Monday, 13 July 2015

McClung Museum offers 'Mindfulness at museum' - Knoxville News Sentinel

Major Depressive Disorder is a serious mental health problem that can affect your ability to carry on with your daily tasks. If you're experiencing clinical depression, realise that there are loads of different ways to help you manage and eventually overcome it.

Knoxville News SentinelMcClung Museum offers 'Mindfulness at museum'Knoxville News SentinelThe McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture at the University of Tennessee is dubbing July “A Month of Mindfulness.” Museum guests can step out of the heat and hustle of summer on Fridays and into t...McClung Museum offers 'Mindfulness at museum' - Knoxville News Sentinel

Mindfulness meditation is proven effective in developing an individual's ability to stay focused. Most people who practice meditation were observed to be more calm, kind, and productive compared with those who don't practice meditation at all. Also, many of those who've learned to make meditation a part of their day-to-day habit claim that they've become much happier. This allows people to bring out improved performance at work, thus building a transformed society.

Experience stress relief and achieve an improved overall health and wellness by learning mindfulness meditation and practicing it daily.

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