Monday, 31 August 2015

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

If you're interested to learn how to practice meditation, there are many approaches of doing this. Learning meditation can be quicker and easier when signing up with a meditation class, than trying to learn the process on your own. In a meditation class, you'll learn to practice meditation in certain ways that can be more relaxing and useful for you. This can be a simple way to help develop your meditation skills, and keep you motivated up until you'll start to experience its many benefits.

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for CopingHuffington PostUnfortunately, with all this focus on productivity, there just isn't enough attention paid to stress management within the startup community. And this lack of attention has led to some devastating consequences. Among entrepreneurs, the rate of mental ......Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

A great way to start learning meditation is to find a class that offers plain and simple meditation for beginners. Realise that meditation is a simple skill to learn. All it takes is for you to learn how and to make time to practice it on a daily basis.

Mindfulness is a skill that helps business owners become more successful. Found this fantastic websites that offers mindfulness and meditation courses for stress reduction.

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